Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Are you a People Pleaser?

People Pleaser Poison!!

If you just set out to be liked, you will be prepared to compromise on anything at any time - and you would achieve nothing.
-Margaret Thatcher

Are You a People Pleaser? I have been one for as long as I can remember. I am not sure when it started or why. Maybe it was my personality bent, or maybe childhood abuse. But for whatever reason it has been a thorn in my flesh. It has plagued me and crippled me for my whole life.

Recently I have been trying to figure out what it was that was my road block in life. I have thought of numerous things but nothing felt quite right. Was it fear of failure? No. Fear of criticism? Maybe, but still not quite right.

Then, yesterday my sponsor in Empower Network, Sam Crowley of Every Day is Saturday posted the above quote on his Facebook page. As soon as I read it I knew it was talking to me. I finally pinpointed what has kept me dead in the water. I am a people pleaser!!

I finally know what I have to work on and what I have to overcome. I can no longer be a people pleaser!!! 

Knowing I am a People Pleaser is Not Enough 


Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.
~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 

Knowing that I am a people pleaser is not enough. I must do something about it. As I have thought about it since yesterday, I have realized being a people pleaser has caused me to make bad “go along with the flow” decisions. My being a people pleaser had caused a lot of people to get hurt throughout my life.

If you want to know how sick being a people pleaser is – I went into a profession I didn’t like to please my mother. I married someone I didn’t love to please a religious leader. I have never, but once, had a back bone to stand for what I felt I wanted or needed to do.

It is Time to Break the People Pleaser Habit

"The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing."
—Walt Disney:American film producer, director, animator, entrepreneur, and philanthropist 

Being a people pleaser is going to be a hard habit to break! This is something I have been for 63 years. This feels like an addiction. But I know if I don’t break this habit I am dead in the water.

It takes 21 days to break a habit. This is a deep seeded habit. Today is April 9, 2013. For the next 21 days (the rest of the month) or longer, I am going to keep this at the front of my thinking. I am going to be conscious of the decisions I make and the things I say, and the actions I do. If I fall back into being a people pleaser, I will start the 21 days again, until I can go 21 days without slipping backward.

My desire is to have a thriving Empower Network Business. I know that being a people pleaser will destroy that goal. I can’t succeed at Empower Network or really, anything in life as long as I try to stay on neutral people pleaser ground.

Today is the 1st day of the rest of my Life

Today is the 1st day of the rest of my life. I WILL be a person who takes a stand. I WILL be a person who says what she means and means what she says. I WILL step out of the shadows and do the actions that a non people pleaser would do. I WILL succeed!!!!

If you struggle with being a people pleaser, you are not alone. Do you want to break the habit? If so, leave me a comment and we can go through this struggle together.

If you would like to know more about the Empower Network, business opportunity I mentioned about – just click on the link below. Add your email address, watch the video and I will be getting back with you shortly. You can guarantee that when I get back with you I won’t be a people pleaser but I will tell you like it is.


Have an awesome non people pleasing day,
Charyl aka Mom8isme    

Monday, April 8, 2013

Television Produces Negative Thinking

Stinkin’ Thinkin’ from Television

Yesterday I wrote a blog about Philippians 4:8 and the way we think. I decided I wasn’t quite finished with the topic yet. There is so much “stinkin thinkin” going on around us all the time. I’m sure we don’t even hear it most of the time because we are so used to it. If you have a television you hear it every hour of every day.

I have heard for years that a person should TURN OFF the television, radio, newspaper, stock reports, AOL pop up's, video games, listening to negative people and saying ANYTHING negative about anyone. Small minded people talk ABOUT people while brilliant people talk ABOUT thoughts.

Everytime YOU let people "Rent" space in your head for any reason YOU are giving them Your Power.....

We Pulled the Plug on Television

2 ½ years ago Dennis and I pulled the plug on cable television. It was a hard decision to make but a good one. Dennis especially went through withdrawals. I asked him a couple months ago right around Super Bowl Sunday if he wanted to reconnect the television but he told me emphatically “NO”. The only time of the year he wishes we had television is Super Bowl Sunday and we just figure out somewhere to get ourselves invited to.

Have we missed it? Not really. We have Netflix so if we want to watch something we find a movie on there or rent a movie. In reality I probably only average 1 movie a month and no regular television at all.

It really helps to not have the news on the television blaring. Or to have the option to sit and blankly stare at some “stupid” reality show or sitcom. Don’t get me wrong, there are some cool shows on television. If I want to all I have to do is find them on line. I don’t choose to, but I always know I have the option if that is something I want to do.

Dave Branon on Television

I came across this blurb below yesterday when I was looking up information on Philippians 4:8. Dave Branon is an editor for Discovery House Publishers and Radio Bible Class Ministries and is a popular contributor to Our Daily Bread. This is what Dave says about television and our thinking:
The image on the television screen captures our attention and we sit down to watch. As we flip from channel to channel, is there any connection between what we decide to watch and what is in our heart? Does our faith in Christ have anything at all to do with our television choices?
In a world of falling standards, we must think through this question: How does our relationship with Christ affect our television viewing habits?
One secular writer speaking about today's television programs said, "The notion of indecency has become obsolete." He is suggesting that a standard has been pushed aside. What is that standard? I believe it's the moral standard found in biblical teaching.
Most television productions are not governed by the guidelines God wants us to follow. The Bible tells us, "Whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things" (Philippians 4:8). It's hard to do that when we're being bombarded by the ungodly images presented on television.
Let's ask God to help us make godly choices in what we watch on television. —Dave Branon

Next Step in Eliminating the Negative

Now that Dennis and I have the television under control. It is time to eliminate the news feeds we get in our email and on facebook. Talk about negative! It seems like the news feeds come up with the worst of the worst to share. How can I focus on the positive if I allow all that “garbage” to take up residence in my subconscious? Definitely can’t.

Law of Attraction comes into play – what we think about comes about. I desire positive productive events in my life. Consequently the negative must be turned off!!!

I would love to hear your comments on the subject of stinkin’ thinkin’ and television. Be sure to leave them in the section below.

Have a wonderful positive day. Turn off the television and enjoy.
Charyl aka Mom8isme
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Friday, April 5, 2013

April Fool’s Day History

April Fool's Day
April Fools gone past, and you’re the biggest fool at last.
With the celebration of April Fool’s Day this week I got to thinking about the history of the Day. I had no clue, so I started my google search. I thought since I had no clue how the day got started, maybe there were others who were curious too.

April Fool’s Day - The Beginning

Infoplease.com stated:
Ancient cultures, including those of the Romans and Hindus, celebrated New Year's Day on or around April 1. It closely follows the vernal equinox (March 20th or March 21st.) In medieval times, much of Europe celebrated March 25, the Feast of Annunciation, as the beginning of the new year.

In 1582, Pope Gregory XIII ordered a new calendar (the Gregorian Calendar) to replace the old Julian Calendar. The new calendar called for New Year's Day to be celebrated Jan. 1. That year, France adopted the reformed calendar and shifted New Year's day to Jan. 1.
For more of the article click here

April Fool’s Day Begins in Earnest

April-fools.us continues to tell us that:
Communication traveled slowly in those days and some people were only informed of the change several years later. Still others, who were more rebellious refused to acknowledge the change and continued to celebrate on the last day of the former celebration, April 1.

These people were labeled "fools" by the general populace, were subject to ridicule and sent on "fool errands," sent invitations to nonexistent parties and had other practical jokes played upon them. The butts of these pranks became known as a "poisson d'avril" or "April fish" because a young naive fish is easily caught. In addition, one common practice was to hook a paper fish on the back of someone as a joke.

This harassment evolved over time and a custom of prank-playing continue on the first day of April. This tradition eventually spread elsewhere like to Britain and Scotland in the 18th century and was introduced to the American colonies by the English and the French. Because of this spread to other countries, April Fool's Day has taken on an international flavor with each country celebrating the holiday in its own way. For the entire article click here.

My Share of April Fool’s Day Jokes

My mom told the story of an April Fool’s Day joke that turned upside down for her. Back when she was in grammar school around 1920 she and a lot of her classmates decided to write April Fool’s Day on their spelling test and turn it in without the spelling words written. Come to find out she was the only one who really did it. Everyone else chickened out. She alone got a big fat “F” for the test. She didn’t think it was very funny after that.

I was never very good at playing April Fool’s Day jokes on people. My kids were tho. I don’t think I had many April Fool’s Days that went by without someone doing something. I had my share of “Mom, I’m pregnant” or “Mom, I am flunking out of school” shared with me. I am sure they did more interesting jokes on their siblings and friends but I was never privy to those. I might not have seen the humor in them.

Well Known April Fool’s Day Pranks

Urbanlegends.about.com goes on to tell us about some of the well known April Fool’s Day pranks:

One of the great media hoaxes of all time was perpetrated on April 1, 1957 by the BBC, which reported on its news program Panorama that Switzerland was experiencing a bumper spaghetti harvest that year thanks to favorable weather and the elimination of the dread "spaghetti weevil." Staged video footage showing happy peasants plucking strands of pasta from tall trees was so convincing that many viewers actually called the network to ask how they could grow their own.

Some of the best-known pranks in recent years were mounted by advertising agencies. In 1996, Taco Bell ran a full-page ad in the New York Times announcing it had purchased the Liberty Bell and would rename it the "Taco Liberty Bell."

Burger King pulled off a similar prank in 1998, announcing the rollout of its "Left-Handed Whopper" supposedly designed so that condiments would drip from the right side of the burger rather than the left.

On the Internet hoaxes have become such standard fare that April Fools' Day is barely distinguishable from any other, though a few notable pranks stand out and tend to be reposted year after year — e.g., the 1996 announcement that every computer connected to the World Wide Web must be turned off for Internet Cleaning Day, a 24-hour period during which useless "flotsam and jetsam" are flushed from the system.
For the rest of the Urbanlegends article click here.

Love to Blog

I really enjoy researching and sharing the history of some of the holidays. I love to learn and I love to blog and share. I sure hope you enjoyed learning about the origin of April Fool’s Day.

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 Have an awesome day,
Charyl aka Mom8isme